The South Asian Studies Program (SASP) is devoted to the enhancement of instruction, research, and the dissemination of knowledge about India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

SASP supports the B.A. in Asian Languages and Literature (Chinese, Japanese, and Sanskrit) offered through the Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literature.


In the news: Ajailiu Niumai, SASP event guest lecturer, covered in United News of India

Monday, October 21, 2024
On September 26, Niumai was a guest lecturer hosted by the South Asian Studies Program, an IP affinity group, and spoke about the Manipur Conflict. Here the lecture is mentioned by the United News of India

Unraveling Manipur conflict: Insights from sociologist Niumai on the struggle for peace in Northeast India

Thursday, August 29, 2024
Join the South Asian Studies Program (SASP), an International Programs affinity group, as they host a lecture by Professor Ajailiu Niumai on Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4 - 5:30 p.m. (CDT) in the International Commons, room 1117 of the University Capitol Centre at the University of Iowa (UI).

International Programs’ affinity groups contribute to Iowa’s global mission

Monday, July 1, 2024
The faculty-led affinity groups create opportunities for faculty to advance research and teaching through a focus on collegiate issues and perspectives, provide opportunities for faculty and students across disciplines to interact and collaborate, and develop public engagement projects to benefit communities in Iowa and abroad.

Upcoming Events

Book Reading by Samira K. Mehta promotional image

Book Reading by Samira K. Mehta

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Prairie Lights Books
Join the University of Iowa (UI) Jewish Studies Network, an International Programs affinity group, as they host Samira K. Mehta for the reading of her book at Prairie Lights Books.
Discussion of Contraception and American Religion promotional image

Discussion of Contraception and American Religion

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Jefferson Building
Join the University of Iowa (UI) Jewish Studies Network, an International Programs affinity group, as they host Samira K. Mehta for a discussion on contraception and American religion.
View more events

Academic Programs

International Studies B.A.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at The University of Iowa offers an International Studies B.A., an interdisciplinary program that allows students to choose a geographic or thematic area as the focus of their studies. Students interested in concentrating on South Asian Studies are encouraged to consider an International Studies major with an emphasis in South Asian Studies.

India Winterim Program
India Winterim is an intensive, three-week, field-based program that provides students with the opportunity to learn within India’s diverse cultural, socioeconomic, and geographical mosaic.

Contact us

Meena Khandelwal

Director, South Asian Studies Program