Things have really picked up at this point in the semester. Students have finished midterm tests and papers. Some decided to drop a course or two by the deadline, which was November 2, if things were not going so well. Everyone is thinking about getting through the next few weeks until Thanksgiving break! Students will have the full week off (staff will be here that Monday through Wednesday), and some may even be able to return home for a quick visit, or travel to see a part of the U.S. they have not visited before.
A fun event that hopefully provided some relaxation for students was our annual pumpkin carving last week. Halloween is a widespread American tradition celebrated by children and grownups alike, involving costumes, sometimes "trick or treating" by going door to door in the neighborhood to get candy (more for the kids than the adults), and by carving a Jack-o'-lantern to sit out on the front porch with a candle inside.
International Student and Scholar Services will purchase around 200 pumpkins each fall and invite both students and scholars to come try carving one. They are then able to take their creations home. Some of our students clearly have some great artistic talent! Enjoy these pictures from our event last week.