Anny-Dominique Curtius


My research is interdisciplinary as it circulates at the crossroads of Francophone Studies (cultural theory, cinematic, visual, and performing arts of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, and West Africa); Suzanne Césaire; postcolonial ecocriticism; slave memorials; comparative postcolonial museum studies; critical ocean studies; intangible cultural heritage in the Global South and UNESCO.

I am the author of two books as well as numerous articles and book chapters in the field of studies aforementioned. My most recently published book is 'Suzanne Césaire. Archéologie littéraire et artistique d'une mémoire empêchée' [Suzanne Césaire. Literary and Artistic Archeology of a Hindered Memory] (Karthala, 2020). 

My current book in progress focuses on slavery, museums and memorials and the postcolonial and ecocritical narrativization of trauma and memory.