Friday, October 21, 2022 - Saturday, October 22, 2022
Funding for the conference provided by The Stanley-University of Iowa Foundation Support Organization and a Korea Foundation Grant.
This event is hosted by the Korean Studies Research Network and UI International Programs.
The Korean studies program at the University of Iowa has grown steadily and has exciting prospects to advance even further. With five full-time academics whose research interests focus on Korea in disciplines like history, gender studies, language and linguistics, communication studies, religious studies, philosophy, and popular aesthetics, undergraduate enrollments in Korea-related courses are very healthy and the number of graduate students with dissertation foci on Korea-related topics is substantial. One of the unique characteristics of the Korean studies program at the University of Iowa is that the Korean studies faculty members are affiliated with diverse departments and thus there is no single academic unit that serves as the intellectual hub. The Korean Studies Research Network (KoRN) came about as a way to bring students and academics together to support research, teaching, and provide mentoring.
This two-day conference will bring together leaders and scholars of Korea-related topics and engage them in an open dialogue about opportunities to facilitate collaborative research among scholars and graduate students in the state of Iowa and throughout the Midwest.
Free and open to the public.
Planning to attend part or all of the conference? Let us know by registering below. While pre-registration is not required, this allows us to better plan for number of attendees and send you a reminder of the conference prior to the event.
Schedule of Events
Day One / Friday, October 21, 2022
Locations for Day One
- University Capitol Centre: Executive Board Room, 2nd floor – room 2390 (map)
- University Capitol Centre: International Commons, 1st floor – room 1117 (map)
Time |
Segment |
Speakers |
Location |
9:00 – 9:15 a.m. |
Welcome and Introduction of KoRN |
Hyaeweol Choi, C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Studies and the founding director of the Korean Studies Research Network |
UCC 2390 |
9:15 – 10:45 a.m. |
Session #1 |
Democracy and Social Justice
Chair: Alyssa Park, University of Iowa |
UCC 2390 |
10:45 – 11:00 a.m. |
Break |
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. |
Session #2 |
National Politics in South Korea
Chair: Hyaeweol Choi, University of Iowa |
UCC 2390 |
12:00 – 1:30 p.m. |
Lunch Break |
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. |
Session #3 |
Politics of the Arts
Chair: Travis Workman, University of Minnesota |
UCC 1117 |
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. |
Break |
3:15 – 4:15 p.m. |
Session #4 |
Urban Space in Contemporary Korea
UCC 1117 |
Day Two / Saturday, October 22, 2022
Location for Day Two
- University Capitol Centre: International Commons, 1st floor – room 1117 (map)
Time |
Segment |
Speakers |
Location |
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. |
Session #5 |
Race, Place, and Identity
Chair: Jiyeon Kang, University of Iowa |
UCC 1117 |
9:30 – 9:40 a.m. |
Break |
9:40 – 10:40 a.m. |
Session #6 |
Religion, Body and Spirit
Chair: Morten Schlutter, University of Iowa |
UCC 1117 |
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. |
Wrap up discussion on the future of KoRN |
Presenter Bios
James Flynn - Before beginning their Ph.D. program, they spent seven years living, working, and completing a master’s program in Korean studies at Yonsei’s Graduate School of International Studies. They have long held an interest in labor and working-class history, and their experiences in Korea have led them to consider more deeply the relevance of colonial, postcolonial, and Cold War circumstances to this history. In spring 2022, in their third year at UW-Madison, they were preparing to research their Ph.D. thesis, which will explore Korean working-class history through its long-term but under-explored connection to Japanese imperial and Cold War industrialism.
Jung Eui (Jay) Hong is currently a doctoral candidate in counseling psychology at the University of Iowa. He also received a master’s degree in clinical psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research interests broadly include multicultural issues in counseling, race and racism, and psychology of men and masculinity.
Clara Hwayeon Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in cultural anthropology at the University of Colorado-Boulder. From fall 2020, she has been conducting ethnographic fieldwork in South Korea on the topic of anti-base activism, funded by the Wenner Gren Foundation. She has a MA in cultural anthropology and women, gender & sexuality studies from Brandeis University. As a feminist anthropologist, she is interested in the relationship across care, dissent, and political subjectivity.
Charles Kim is an associate professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a cultural historian of modern Korean society whose research and teaching interests include narratives, memory, media, social relations, and Cold War/post-Cold War culture. His first book, Youth for Nation: Culture and Protest in Cold War South Korea, documents the country’s transition from Korean War combat to the authoritarian developmental era. The study explores the ways in which media and statist texts prefigured the April 19th Students’ Revolution of 1960 and informed Park Chung Hee’s ideological program of the early 1960s. His current research examines South Korean nostalgia for the developmental past as represented in museums, television, and film.
Gidong Kim is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the Harry S. Truman School of Government & Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. They are a 2021-2022 Graduate Fellow at the MU Institute for Korean Studies (IKS). They study comparative political behavior – especially, voting and elections, nationalism and identity politics, inequality and redistribution preferences. Specifically, They are interested in the interaction between nationalism and economic perception and preferences. They study how national sentiments shape individuals’ economic perceptions such as economic evaluation, subjective class perception, inequality perception and redistribution preferences, and how the interaction affects political behavior. Regionally, they focus on South Korea and East Asia.
Pilo Ho Kim is an assistant professor of Korean studies at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at The Ohio State University. A sociologist by training, he has been studying and teaching a wide range of topics related to modern Korea, including popular music, cinema, literature, and urban regeneration/gentrification. He is currently working on a monograph entitled, Polarizing Dreams: Gangnam and Popular Culture in Globalizing Korea, which casts a new light on the global rise of South Korean economy and popular culture by focusing on its geographic symbol, Gangnam. His latest publications are “Songs of the Multitude: The April Revolution, the 6.3 Uprising, and South Korea’s Protest Music of the 1960s” and “Cheollima, Ten Times Faster? The Gangseon Steel Mill and the Cultural Turn in North Korea’s Mass Mobilization Campaign.”
Su Jung Kim is associate professor of religious studies at DePauw University. She received her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2014. Her first book, Shinra Myojin and Buddhist Networks of the East Asian “Mediterranean” (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019) focuses on a transnational deity called Shinra Myōjin. Currently, Sujung is working on her second book project titled, Korean Magical Medicine: Buddhist Healing Talismans in Chosŏn Korea, which she investigates the religious, historical, and iconographic dimensions of healing talismans produced in Buddhist settings during the Chosŏn period. This book project is supported by ACLS/Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation (AY 2021–2022).
Yeong-hyun Kim is an associate professor in geography at Ohio University. Her research interest includes global cityness, diasporic communities, and international labor migration. She is currently working on a research project examining spatial stories of temporary migrant workers in South Korea. Following field research in Seoul and Tokyo in summer 2022, she also conducts a comparative research on the legacy of mega sports events in East Asia. Dr. Kim has been teaching courses on globalization, urban geography, world economic geography, geography of Asia, and urban poverty.
Yu Bin Kim is currently a political science Ph.D. candidate at the Harry S. Truman School of Government & Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. They are also a 2021-22 Graduate Fellow at the MU Institute for Korean Studies (IKS). Their research interests include both interstate and intrastate conflicts. At the interstate level, they focus on nuclear proliferation and on nuclear latency. At the intrastate level, their focus is on conflict management and on UN peacekeeping operations; they are interested in rebel group dynamics, particularly rebel governance and diplomacy, as well.
Jiyoon Pyeon is a Ph.D. student in the program of Asian literatures, cultures, and media, minoring in moving image studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She obtained her B.A. from Ewha Womans University and M.A. from the University of Chicago. Her research interests lie in contemporary Korean genre films, (trans)national cinema, and K-pop culture. Her current research explores how translations of and experiments with genre significantly affect the representation of history, society, and politics in contemporary Korean films.
Kharis Ralph completed her BA in east Asian studies and history, and her MA in east Asian studies, at the University of Toronto, Canada. She is currently a third-year Ph.D. student in the History Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Her interests lie in music of resistance and memory politics.
Tanner Rogers is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Minnesota. His area of research is modern Korean literature of the Cold War era, mainly focusing on coming-of-age novels (Bildungsroman) and those that concern nation-building, subjectivity, and aesthetics.
Travis Workman is an associate professor of Korean studies at the University of Minnesota. He is specialized in Korean literature, film, and intellectual history; state violence and historical memory; melodrama; nationalism; and humanism and its critiques.
Kyoim Yoom, an award-winning teacher and advisor, is an associate professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Kansas (KU). Her book, The Shaman’s Wages: Trading in Ritual on Cheju Island, was published by the University of Washington Press. A Hall Center Resident Faculty Fellow at KU in fall 2022, she is working on her second book project entitled, Templestay for All: A Wellness Journey amid a Happiness Crisis in South Korea.
Travel & Parking
Parking – The Capitol Street parking ramp is located at 220 S. Capitol Street, with entrances on both Capitol Street and Clinton Street. Parking is $1/hour and the first hour is free.
Bus Service – The University Capitol Centre is located adjacent to the Downtown Interchange bus stop. A number of University of Iowa (CAMBUS) and city buses frequent this location.
University Capitol Centre location – The University Capitol Centre (UCC) sits on the corner of Burlington and Clinton Streets and is connected to the Capitol Street parking ramp. Linked is a map of campus.
International Commons - room 1117 – The International Commons is located in the northwest corner of the UCC. The address is:
201 S. Clinton Street
1111 University Capitol Centre (UCC)
Iowa City, Iowa 52240
From the parking ramp, you will walk to the far end (the north end) of the building. A convenient ‘marker’ on your way to the IP Office is the coffee shop called T Spoons near the escalator. Once you pass T Spoons, look to your left to see the glass doors labeled INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS. Go through the two sets of doors and the International Commons, room 1117 is on your left. Linked is a map of the UCC building.
Places to Eat & Hotels
Visiting from out of town? Below are some highlights for places to eat, things to do, and hotel options close by. If you are a presenter, refer to your event contact for details on what meals are provided and what hotel you are staying in.
Places to Eat
For places to eat located inside the University Capitol Centre, visit the Capitol Mall's directory.
For places to eat in downtown Iowa City, visit the Iowa City Downtown District food and drink guide.
For more options, visit Think Iowa City's restaurant guide.
The Iowa House Hotel is conveniently located on the University of Iowa Campus inside the Iowa Memorial Union, overlooking the Iowa River.
For hotels within walking distance of the University Capitol Centre (UCC), visit the Iowa City Downtown District hotel guide.
For more options, visit Think Iowa City's hotel guide.
Things to Do in the Iowa City area
Shops located within walking distance of campus can be found on the Iowa City Downtown District shopping guide.
Located 5 miles from campus is the Coral Ridge Mall.
Things to Do
Looking for events and activities happening in the area? Visit the Think Iowa City visitor guide.
Conference Organizer

Hyaeweol Choi
Hyaeweol Choi (pronounced Heh-Wall Che) is a professor of Korean studies, gender history, and religious studies. She holds the C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Studies at the University of Iowa. She is also the founding director of the Korean Studies Research Network (KoRN) and currently serves as chair (DEO) of the UI Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.
About Major Projects
Through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization, International Programs' Major Projects Award promotes important contributions to scholarly debates and exchanges on international topics, issues, discoveries, and arts.
International Programs' Major Projects encourage activities or endeavors on a broader scale. These may take the form of collaborations, symposia, conferences, lecture series, artistic exhibitions, and performance events.
All events are free and open to the public.
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Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Daniel Vorwerk in advance by email at daniel-vorwerk@uiowa.edu or call 319-467-1619.