Dear all,
It’s final! We have a passport office!! Wednesday, November 17 saw the grand opening of our U.S. Passport Acceptance Facility. The event was a true delight, as we welcomed dignitaries from Iowa’s congressional delegation, the entire IP staff, and, the guest of honor himself, Herky!! What a pleasure it was to officially inaugurate a facility that will serve not just the University of Iowa, but Iowa City and the surrounding area. Several members of the community have already taken advantage of the office to apply for new passports or renew existing ones. See pictures of the event—with Herky filling out his own passport application. Also, please see this nice article in the Daily Iowan.
The opening of the passport office was part of a number of events celebrating International Education Week (IEW). The U.S. Department of State designates the third week in November as a time to recognize the value of global outreach at the K-16 level. In addition to opening the passport acceptance facility, IP began IEW with its annual WorldCanvass forum honoring the recipients of both the International Impact and Global Student Awards. We congratulate the recipients—Martín Lopez-Vega and Nina Jovanovic (International Impact Awards), as well as Hadley Galbraith and Amna Haider (Global Student Awards), for their efforts in promoting global awareness and experiences both on the UI campus and abroad.
IP capped the week with a stirring visit by Dr. Jewell Green Winn of Tennessee State University, who delivered the eighth annual Commitment to Internationalization Lecture, “Where I Come From: Leading Campus Internationalization Without Walls.” Dr. Winn’s presentation—an inspiring and thought-provoking look on social justice and global learning—was the culmination of a two-day visit where she met with campus leaders in order to share her vision of how global outreach intersects with efforts focused on diversity, belonging, equity, and inclusion.
International Programs made the news multiple times just prior to—and during—International Education Week. Our continued success in garnering Fulbright awards gained wide attention, as did our efforts to increase international student enrollment. In addition, the Korean Studies Research Network, directed by Professor Hyaeweol Choi and sponsored by International Programs, received excellent coverage for its conference held November 5 and 6.
As November ends, we turn our attention to Thanksgiving. This year, IP is pleased to revive its annual Thanksgiving Dinner for international students. Our event took place on November 22, and included sit down and take away options. Given that we were unable to hold the event last year because of Covid, the revival of the tradition this semester is especially rewarding, as it marks a way to express gratitude to the UI’s international students for all they bring to our campus community. Likewise, I am grateful to the wonderful staff in IP for putting together one remarkable event after another. They are the backbone of our unit, and our strength and success are due to their tremendous efforts. And finally, I am thankful to you, our many friends across the globe, for your continued support of International Programs.
With all best wishes,