The Latin American Studies Program (LASP) at the University of Iowa fosters cross-disciplinary teaching and research on Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. LASP uses this region as a framework for exploring thematic issues in such disciplines as anthropology, art, history, political science, Spanish and Portuguese, and communication studies. Established in 1978, the program is governed by a faculty steering committee whose primary teaching and research interests focus on Latin America.

Latin American Studies faculty and students consult, partner, and collaborate with faculty and disciplines across the UI campus and worldwide. The program sponsors lectures, film series, exhibitions, conferences and round table discussions, works to expand research and teaching in Latin American Studies, and seeks to bring Latin American scholars to the campus and fosters institutional linkages. These activities are funded by International Programs.


International Programs’ affinity groups contribute to Iowa’s global mission

Monday, July 1, 2024
The faculty-led affinity groups create opportunities for faculty to advance research and teaching through a focus on collegiate issues and perspectives, provide opportunities for faculty and students across disciplines to interact and collaborate, and develop public engagement projects to benefit communities in Iowa and abroad.

Latin American Studies Program lecture examines Renaissance with global perspective, Oct. 13

Friday, September 16, 2022
This lecture explores the ways that our understanding of the Renaissance is changing as scholars adopt a more inclusive, global perspective on the years between 1350 and 1700.

10th Annual Charles A. Hale Lecture to be held Sept. 23

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Join the UI Latin American Studies Program for the 10th annual Charles A. Hale Lecture entitled "Popular Cosmopolitanism: Cinema, Genre and Mediation in Mid-Century Mexico" delivered virtually by Ignacio Sánchez Prado​​​​​​​ on Thursday, September 23, 6-7:30 p.m.

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Academic Programs

The Latin American Studies Program (LASP) provides a choice of educational options to supplement and enhance students' interests and study in almost any conventional discipline. These academic opportunities are offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:

Contact us

Brian Gollnick

Director, Latin American Studies Program