Every year Iowa Sister States (ISS) recognizes outstanding volunteers and partners by awarding them a Robert D. Ray Service Award, named in recognition of the international efforts of former Iowa Governor Robert D. Ray (who served from 1969-1983).
This year, two University of Iowa staff members were honored with this prestigious award. During ISS’s annual banquet in February, Associate Provost and Dean of International Programs Russ Ganim and Associate Professor of Instruction in the Rhetoric Department Benjamin Hassman were both presented with a 2021 Robert D. Ray Citizen Diplomacy Volunteer Award, for their outstanding commitment to Iowa Sister States.
A volunteer-driven non-profit organization based in Des Moines, Iowa, Iowa Sister States strives to build sustainable international partnerships that connect Iowans to the world community. “Governor Robert D. Ray saw Iowa Sister States as a way for the State of Iowa to show the international community Iowa’s brand of foreign policy,” said Karla McCollum, executive director of Iowa Sister States. “He fully believed in and lived the concept of 'Iowa nice.' For him, actions always spoke louder than words. These awards acknowledge those in our community that are following in his footsteps.”
“The long-term impact of our projects which Ben and Russ were involved with will truly impact Iowa and Iowa’s international relationships for generations.”
"As a student at Grinnell College in the late 1970s and early 1980s,” said Russ Ganim, “I was captivated by Governor Ray’s work in bringing refugees from Southeast Asia to Iowa. I remember reading accounts of Governor Ray’s initiative in the Des Moines Register at the time and thinking how these efforts represented the openness and generosity not just of the governor, but of the entire state. At that moment, I realized the value that Iowa and Iowans place on welcoming people from all parts of the world and on recognizing the contributions of all members of the global community."

Benjamin Hassman, who serves as the co-director of the UI Conversation Center, also views his connection to the world through the lens of his Iowan upbringing.
"As a small-town Iowan, it’s a great honor to receive this award from the Iowa Sister States,” said Hassman. “I grew up knowing that how we treat and welcome others is a sign of our character. I’ve worked to make educational structures that honor and support people as they enter the difficult space of connecting with others, especially across cultural, linguistic, and educational differences. Seeing University of Iowa students join Iowa high school students across the state in conversation with high school students from around the world gives me a profound sense of possibility in the broadened horizons of students and in the ability of these international relationships to be the spark for tackling the difficult challenges we’ll face as a state in the future. As we often say at the Conversation Center, building an inclusive Iowa one conversation at a time."
Ganim and Hassman have made themselves available to assist Iowa Sister States with a number of projects over the last year and a half, arranging for student help, providing support, speaking on behalf of their divisions, and helping to facilitate educational exchanges in Japan and China.
“The long-term impact of our projects which Ben and Russ were involved with will truly impact Iowa and Iowa’s international relationships for generations,” said McCollum. “Our projects were only a success because of Russ and Ben’s assistance and support. [They] deserve recognition for their selfless efforts in promoting and strengthening Iowa’s official international relationships and we are so proud to have given them the award!”