Graduate student Yujia Lyu photographed on Oct. 20.
Mary Hartel, The Daily Iowan
A new change to the Code of Federal Regulations proposed by the Trump administration would limit international students’ stays and would require students from some countries required to request costly extensions as often as every two years.
Public comment on the proposed rule change — which was proposed Sept. 24 — will close Oct. 25, and feedback given to the Department of Homeland Security before any changes would be made.
The University of Iowa and Big Ten Academic Alliance opposed the rule, citing additional costs and travel burdens the rule would place on international students trying to complete their degrees. Russ Ganim, Associate Provost and Dean of the international programs wrote in a statement that the proposed rule “will make it very difficult for U.S. universities to continue to attract the best and brightest students from around the world, and to benefit from their intellect.”