Thousands of UI alumni live all over the globe. For those that can’t make it back to campus to celebrate in person, Virtual Homecoming is a chance to keep the Hawkeye spirit alive abroad by sharing a homecoming message with the UI community, regardless of where you are in the world. Check out alumni below showing their school spirit from their corner of the globe!

"2020 has been a year like no other but amongst it all, I am thankful for the Hawkeye family. Wishing you all good health and a happy homecoming."
-Babatunde Amosu, London, United Kingdom (BA art '15)

"Go Hawks!! Some of the best memories of my life are from college for sure... Hawkeye til I die!"
-Erin Marisa Davis, Orlando, Florida (BA speech and hearing science '96)

"Go Hawks!"
-Cheng Xu, Chongqing, China (BBA in finance '17)

"It’s soooo great to be a Hawkeye!"
-Vivien Bai, Beijing, China (BS in mathematics and actuarial science '15)

"Go Hawkeyes!"
-Jiahao Li, Shenzhen, China (BBA in business analytics and information systems '19)

"Go Hawks!"
-Geok Pik Ching, Shah Alam, Malaysia (BBA in business and accounting '92)

"Stay safe and stay healthy, Hawkeyes! Forever Hawkeyes! Forever Iowa! The rising mist from the Iowa River on campus during the Thanksgiving Festival is forever mesmerizing."
-Ruey-shan (Sandy) Chen, Taipei, Taiwan (MFA Writers' Workshop - Department of English '85)

"Go Hawks!"
-Gloria Sasu, Laurel, Maryland (BA liberal arts '13)

"With you all in spirit from Miami! look forward to being there in person! Grateful to still be in contact with so many friends from my Iowa days, march in the Homecoming parade many times with the alumni band, and attend the homecoming game for the past several years with family and friends. Hope all of the teams get to play this year."
-Sherry Marek, Davie, Miami (BA Russian '85)

"I came to the University of Iowa in 1982 as the Head Women's Volleyball Coach, and had the honor of coaching during the 'glory' days, hired by Dr. Christine Grant, and being on staff when women's athletics was advancing at the University and across the country. I still hold the record for winning-est volleyball coach at Iowa.
Going back to get my MBA later in my career helped me truly say that I'm a Hawkeye!"
-Sandy Stewart, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (MBA Tippie College of Business '15)

"It lasted only 10 days, but it was magic! The time spent on the campus and in Iowa City and surroundings is still clear in my mind. In Iowa, we can understand the meaning of "Iowan nice" on the first moment we step in that wonderful soil. I attended a program for Brazilian ELL teachers, sponsored by the American Embassy, as I'm an academic coordinator in a Binational Center (USA-Brazil). I come from a big city, with over 1.2 million inhabitants, and I lived my first twenty years of life in Sao Paulo, which counts over 12 million inhabitants, and I couldn't imagine that a small city could be so attractive and produce such a huge amount of excellence thanks to the University and its people. The photo is from a Saturday in late January 2019, the week before the polar vortex; the coldest day I've ever gone running. I left the Heartland Inn with minus 13 degrees Celsius and ran through the campus on a 10 km run (around 6.5 miles). When I got back to the hotel it was 19 below zero (in Celsius)! I was awarded with a wonderful view of an American Eagle by the riverbank, at a distance of 70 to 80 feet. Miss you a lot, UI and Iowa City!"
-Claudio Caccioli Jr., Campinas, Brazil (Faculty Development Exchange 2019 - College of Education)

"Still love the U of Iowa! Happy Homecoming and stay safe! Go Hawks!"
-Dawn Sparling, Boise, Idaho (BA communications '91)

"I was better prepared by my UI program for my healthcare career than any student I have encountered from another college. I was in a leadership role within my first 10 years and have been a manager for the past 18 years. I proudly display my UI diploma on my office wall, along with the two national board certifications it helped me achieve."
- Sheri Holub, Carson, Iowa (radiologic technology '92)

"I first became a Hawkeye fan in 1986, when I was nine, and we played in the Rose Bowl. I never followed sports prior to that year, but my entire family got together, painted roses on cheeks, wore their black and gold, and I became a life-long fan, even more so after my family moved to Minnesota! Now, with a family of my own, I've enjoyed passing the tradition on to my four kiddos!"
-Truman Tucker, Rochester, Minnesota

"Enjoy your time, make memories, and have fun!"
-Stephanie Aure, Brookings, South Dakota (interdepartmental studies '92)