International Student Photo Contest, Exploring Local Cultures and Traditions: “July 4th Fireworks in Iowa City, 2019,” a photo by Chandra Kumar Maharjan, a graduate research assistant from Lalitpur, Nepal who is studying pharmacology. “As an international student, July 4 fireworks are something I look forward to every year. I find this image special because the Old Capitol building perfectly complements the beauty of the fireworks.” Photo by Chandra Kumar Maharjan.
Alison Mcgaughey, Iowa Now
From climbing an active volcano in Chile to taking in a fireworks display in Iowa City to spotting a cow in an otherwise urban scene in India, University of Iowa students creatively captured moments from around the world for the 2019 International Programs Annual Photo Contest.
To view a gallery of all semifinalists, visit the International Education Week 2019 Photo Contest Flickr Album.
The contest winners—who are students from the U.S. studying abroad, as well as international students studying on the UI campus—will be recognized as part of International Education Week (Nov. 18–22). This joint initiative of the U.S. Departments of State and Education celebrates the ways international education and exchange opportunities prepare citizens for community-building in both domestic and international settings.
In addition to recognizing the photo contest winners, the UI celebration also will feature the annual UI International Impact Award recipient, a new Global Student Award, and a number of other events to inspire awareness of the many ways UI students can experience international education.