Photo by Gaoyuan Pan/ The Daily Iowan
Consul General Hong Lei, a diplomat from the People’s republic of China, spoke on the merits of creating an economic bridge between China and the U.S. on Wednesday afternoon.
He described the state of affairs between the two nations in his lecture, entitled “New developments in China and Sino-U.S. Relations,” at the IMU. Within it, he laid out a series of tactics and goals for strengthening China-US relations and emphasized the importance of collaboration between the two nations.
Lei is a prominent Chinese diplomat responsible for overseeing relations with nine Midwestern states, including Iowa.
Associate Provost and Dean of International Programs Downing Thomas said they also work with him at the University of Iowa regularly on developing educational collaborations and connections to China.
“It’ll be an opportunity to engage a famous diplomat responsible for the Midwest from China with questions and to hear what he has to say about the current state of affairs,” Thomas said.
Lei started off by describing recent developments in China and background information on the state of affairs there.