he Nation, the State, and the Global Redefinition of Self-Determination banner blue paint on light blue background

Provost's Global Forum 2016

October 13-15

This year's Provost's Global Forum will feature an artistic exhibition, multidisciplinary academic conference, and undergraduate course on the emerging redefinition of self-determination in the 21st century and what that redefinition means for humanity's common good. The goal of the Provost's Global Forum is to inspire discussions of global affairs and build relationships between the university and the state of Iowa.

Organized by Adrien Wing and Nathan Miller, the three-day academic conference comprised of lectures, presentations, and panel discussions aims to help raise awareness about concepts concerning contemporary self-determination and statehood.

Forum Staff

Adrien Wing, recipient of this year’s Provost’s Global Forum Award, is Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law Programs and the Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law. Additionally, she serves as the Director of the University of Iowa Center for Human Rights, as well as Director of the France Summer Abroad Program.

Nathan Miller is an Assistant Director of the Center and the Senior Fellow in Human Rights and Social Justice at the University of Iowa College of Law. He directs the International Legal Clinic at the College of Law, where students provide legal assistance to governments and nongovernmental organizations on projects related to human rights, development, and the rule of law.

Forum Sponsors
University of Iowa International Programs, College of Law, and the departments of Political Science, Religious Studies

Media and Public Relations:
Joan Kjaer, WorldCanvass
Amy Brewster
Adam Tisdale

Events and Project Specialist:
Sarolta Petersen


Nathan Miller
Director, International Legal Clinic
University of Iowa College of Law

Sarolta Petersen
Events and Project Specialist
International Programs

The Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. In addition to serving the University of Iowa community broadly, the forum endeavors to build connections between the university and the state of Iowa, and positions the UI as a national node in discussions of global affairs. The forum is made possible through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization. The Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. In addition to serving the University of Iowa community broadly, the forum endeavors to build connections between the university and the state of Iowa, and positions the UI as a national node in discussions of global affairs. The forum is made possible through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization. The Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. In addition to serving the University of Iowa community broadly, the forum endeavors to build connections between the university and the state of Iowa, and positions the UI as a national node in discussions of global affairs. The forum is made possible through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization.