All University of Iowa faculty and staff are welcome to join the Iowa Global Health Network (IGHN). IGHN was created to foster increased communication and collaboration between disciplines and individuals interested in global health. By joining IGHN, other faculty on campus will be able to identify you as a potential partner and resource in global health.
PLEASE NOTE: IGHN is currently only accepting faculty and staff membership. Students interested in global health should contact the global resource office in their college or department for more information about getting involved. Undergraduate students are encouraged to join the Global Health Student Organization.
Iowa Global Health Network Director: Claudia Corwin
How to join
To join IGHN, please submit your information using the form below. Once submitted, you will receive a welcome email and further information about IGHN membership.
How we communicate
Due to email overload, IGHN does not currently maintain an email list serve. Instead, members will be granted access to an online forum called Slack to share any and all relevant information with IGHN members. To access the IGHN Slack forum go to (login required, members only).
Contact us
If you have questions about membership, please send an email to