The following colleges, departments, and programs currently offer coursework or are in other ways affiliated with global health-focused initiatives.
Global Health Studies Program
The Iowa Global Health Network (IGHN) has a long history with the GHSP academic degree program. Housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, GHSP is a part of the Division of Interdisciplinary Programs and is comprised of faculty from many departments across the college. GHSP currently offers an undergraduate major, a minor, as well as certificates for both undergraduate and graduate students. The certificate is available for students outside the College of Liberal Arts. Many members of IGHN leadership have served on the steering committee for this degree program.
Global Public Health Initiative
The College of Public Health (CPH) started their Global Public Health Initiative in 2017. Led by their collegiate Global Public Health Committee comprised of faculty and staff in the college, this initiative works to build engagement in global health programs among public health students and faculty. They have also worked to increase global curricular offerings and international research capacity by bringing guest speakers and providing funding for collegiate faculty. CPH also hosts an annual Global Health Week each year in September.
Global Health Programs for Medical Students
The Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) offers a robust global health medicine track for enrolled medical students. Students may pursue learning opportunities in many countries around the world or learn from many of the world-renowned guest speakers that visit the college each year.
Global Program for Pharmacy Students
The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy encourages students to engage in international rotations, as well as international service learning opportunities as part of their training. Through a partnership with GHSP, Pharm D Students are able to pursue a Global Health Certificate.
Global Health Nursing Initiatives
The College of Nursing provides an opportunity for students to include global health practice in their training. They have a number of international initiatives to encourage global health, including Hawkeyes in Haiti (joint with Tippie College of Business) and a rotation in eSwatini, Africa.