Funded in part by the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization


The International Programs Summer Research Fellowships are developmental awards designed to promote the internationalization of research on campus. The strongest proposals will demonstrate genuine engagement with international issues, whether aesthetic, cultural, historical, political, or global. While such projects will typically involve work at an international location, travel abroad is not required. Each $3,000 summer fellowship is expected to result in at least one publication, exhibit, or performance.


November 1 of the year before the summer in which the funding will be used


University of Iowa tenured, tenure-track, instructional-track, clinical, and research faculty. Visiting faculty and postdoctoral scholars are not eligible.

Although past awardees are eligible to apply, priority will be given to applicants who have not previously held an IP Summer Research Fellowship.

Terms of Award

  • The $3,000 IP Summer Research Fellowships are paid as research and travel funds only.
  • The award does not allow funding of faculty and graduate assistant salaries.
  • Awardees must commit at least one month of full-time work to their project.

Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process

Proposals for International Programs Summer Research Fellowships are reviewed considering the following criteria:

  • Engagement with international issues, whether aesthetic, cultural, historical, political, or global;
  • Scholarly, artistic, clinical, and technical merit of the project;
  • Originality;
  • Feasibility of the project in relation to the length of the award period;
  • Clarity of the proposal, including readability and references to relevant scholarship;
  • Potential impact on applicant’s discipline or field of research;
  • Potential for disseminating and/or applying anticipated achievements through publications, presentations, and development of curricular and instructional activities

Proposals for International Programs Summer Research Fellowships are reviewed by a committee appointed by the Associate Provost & Dean of International Programs.

Travel Eligibility

U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Risk Rating

If your application for IP faculty funding includes international travel, please keep in mind the U.S. Department of State assigns a travel advisory risk rating for each country. Prior to applying for IP funding, you must verify that your destination(s) are currently NOT under level 4 (do not travel). Enter your destination(s) in the “Learn About Your Destination” on the State Department's Travel Advisory Page. IP will not entertain applications for funding that involve travel to destinations under a level 4 travel advisory.

Application Process

Complete the online application form. You will need to have the following to complete the form:

  • 3 page proposal, single spaced, 12 point font
  • budget
  • curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum)

Contact Information

For questions regarding the Summer Research Fellowships, please contact:

Mary Paterson
Administrative Services Manager

Featured Award Recipients

Mariola Espinosa in Spain
Mariola Espinosa

Mariola Espinosa, associate professor of history and director of graduate studies, is working on a research project which explores the relationships between medical professionals, populist leaders, and popular culture in the early 20th century.

"The International Programs Summer Research Fellowship allowed me to travel to Spain and spend time exploring the collections in the library of the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, the library of the Ilustre Colegio de Médicos de Madrid, and the Biblioteca Nacional de España. There is a wealth of materials there to continue to consult in future trips to Spain, including a large number of medical newsletters and newspapers published by different provincial medical boards. This confirms that my research project is not only feasible but will shed light on the processes of professionalization and politicization of medicine."

- Mariola Espinosa, recipient of a Summer Research Fellowship

Brian Gollnick
Brian Gollnick

Brian Gollnick, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Latin American Studies, is working on a project that will result in the first book-length study of Gerardo Murillo in English and the first one to treat his paintings and his writings together.

"This money allowed me to spend a week looking through Gerardo Murillo's extensive personal papers, which are housed at the National Autonomous University in Mexico City... Funding from the Stanley Foundation allowed me to look at drafts of some of his writings, his surviving correspondence, unpublished pieces... I handled manuscripts with his hand-written changes and the last passport in which he identifies his profession as 'writer' rather than 'painter'."

Brian Gollnick, recipient of a Summer Research Fellowship