Breadcrumb Home CAPS Study Abroad in Asia Scholarship You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. First/Given Name Middle Name Last/Family Name Student Type Undergraduate Graduate Years in school 1 2 3 4 5+ UI Email address Major(s) Minor(s) Language of Study Level of Language Competency Elementary Intermediate Advanced Destination Country Proposed Semester Institution or Program Name List of expenses of your study abroad program List the scholarships and financial aid you have already secured for your study abroad program Total amount of funding you need for your study abroad program Upload personal statement A personal statement that indicates your purpose and goal of your study abroad plan and how the scholarship will benefit your program of study (400-500 words). One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx. Name, title, and department of professor/teaching assistant you've asked to submit a letter of recommendation Letters of recommendation should be sent to: Dongwang Liu, Associate Director, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies Leave this field blank