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University of Iowa
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IP Award Grantee Testimonial Form - Students
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First/Given Name
Middle Name
Last/Family Name
UI Email Address
Which International Programs award/grant did you receive?
Which International Programs award/grant did you receive?
- Select -
Stanley Undergraduate Award for International Research
Stanley Graduate Award for International Research
Enter other…
In what location(s) did your research take place?
Start Date of Travel (if travel occurred)
End Date of Travel (if travel occurred)
Please provide a brief summary of your research/project.
How did this funding assist you in completing your UI degree requirements?
Please describe how your research experience fits into your future professional goals.
Please share any memorable experiences from your time abroad (if travel was involved) and/or from your research experience.
Please indicate your plans for presenting your research on campus in a UI academic/public forum (including estimated semester/month, location, event/class/organization, and other relevant details). Possible venues for presentation are a class, a seminar, a conference, a written publication, or a similar activity.
Upload Photos
Please upload photos related to what you accomplished/experienced as a result of the funding you received. Please include at least one photo of yourself doing work related to your grant research. High resolution photos preferred. To upload multiple files, please compress them into a .zip file.
Learn how to zip files.
One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, gz, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Photo Captions
Please use this space to include as much information as possible about the uploaded photos - names, activity, location, etc.
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