100K Strong

More must be done to ensure a constructive relationship with China

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
U.S.-China ties are even more important in light of Presidents Obama’s and Xi’s commitment to increasing Mandarin language learning in the U.S.-also known as our 1 Million Strong initiative – which aims to see 1 million U.S., K-12 students learning Mandarin and studying in China by 2020. “The goal is ambitious, but the need is urgent,” observes Carola McGiffert, CEO of 100K Strong, in a recent op-ed.

Ding nears graduation, reflects on UI

Wednesday, May 4, 2016
As Jeffrey Ding prepares to part ways with the University of Iowa he reflected on the “amazing opportunities” he’s received while at the UI, which include being awarded four distinguished recognitions.

100K Strong Student Ambassadors attend Mayor's lunch in Muscatine

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
On February 19th I attended the Mayor of Muscatine, Iowa’s Report to the Community on China Initiatives along with four other University of Iowa 100,000 Strong Foundation Student Ambassadors. We came away from the event excited and ready to carry out the 100,000 Strong Foundation’s mission on our own campus. The people of Muscatine are a great example of how a seemingly small group can have a big impact on diplomatic relations. Although there were many different ideas being discussed, one message came across crystal clear; in order for any of the initiatives to be successful, Americans must make an effort to understand China.

Traverse the Great Wall: Study Abroad in China Q&A Feb 17

Thursday, February 12, 2015
100K Strong Foundation student ambassadors will discuss opportunities for students to study in China, scholarships available, and personal anecdotes of living and studying in China on Tuesday, Feb 17 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in 315 Phillips Hall.