
A city

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
A city is a work of art. With layers upon layers of history and meaning, a city can be unraveled at the seams and exposed. No matter the age, architecture and art will unfold around you as you turn corner after corner—taking in what it has to offer.

Pondering life after graduation

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
This May will again be the season of graduation, and students have been considering their plans for life after graduation. For international students, it can be an especially difficult time. They must decide whether stay in the United States, go back to their home countries, pursue more education, or begin to work.

Student Reflections on LGBTQ Identity from Havana, Cuba

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
In my last year at Iowa, I served as a Diversity Ambassador in a study abroad program which took me to Havana, Cuba. It was an unforgettable month of culture, dancing, cuisine, and lifelong memories. During my time on the island with the 20 other Americans participating in the USAC program, I learned much about group dynamics, gained some close friends, and had the time of my life experiencing such a unique learning opportunity with a well-rounded group of peers. The most important lessons I learned with regard to diversity, I learned from the people I met on the island.

LASP speaker series to focus on Maya historic memory

Thursday, March 19, 2015
The Latin American Studies Program (LASP) will be kicking off its spring speaker series with a seminar entitled, “Contacto Ancestral’s Living Links: Constructing a Maya Diasporic Historical Memory on the Airwaves" by Dr. Alicia Ivonne Estrada. This is the first talk in a two-part speaker series.

Marketing your study abroad experience

Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Are you prepared to sell your study abroad experience in a job interview? Learn techniques to tie together your stories and experiences abroad with the skill sets employers are looking for at a hands-on career prep workshop with UI Study Abroad on Wed, April 1 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in 1117 University Capitol Centre.

Global symposium to kick off photo journalism expo, Apr 3

Monday, March 16, 2015
A symposium to highlight the evolution of photojournalism, “From Local to Global — Photojournalism in the New Millennium,” will introduce the work of noted international photographers and distinguished scholars to the University of Iowa campus and community. The symposium, with presentations on topics ranging from representations of rural Iowa and rural China to documentation of global events to cutting-edge digital photo projects will take place on Friday, April 3, 2015, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m in the rotunda of the Adler Journalism Building.

Russian Guitar Festival revives lost genre

Thursday, March 12, 2015
For 15 years, Ukrainian musician Roman Turovsky has playing the music that settled deep in his heart many years before. Though initially compelled to remain in the shadows as a composer, Turovsky later sought the adrenaline of performance. At 7 p.m. March 15 at the Englert Theater, 221 E. Washington St., Turovsky will make his first appearance at the ninth-annual Russian Guitar Festival alongside other virtuosos in Russian guitar music. This will mark the second time for the Englert to host the event.

Student Legal Services reaches out to int'l students

Thursday, March 12, 2015
A new program from University of Iowa Student Legal Services is trying to aid international students in understanding their rights while living in Iowa. Because international students are often unfamiliar with U.S. laws, the university started the program to inform students of their rights.

International Women’s Day: Now more than ever

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Every year, for decades now, the Iowa United Nations Association has held Night of 1,000 Dinners in honor of International Women’s Day. Over these decades, the role that we have played in Iowa City as proponents of international cooperation has shifted. It used to be that our role was to connect Iowans to an international community that seemed so far away and hard to reach. Now, the world has brought the international playing field to our doorstep. International cooperation is our goal not only abroad (“out there”), but also here, here in our state, here in our city, here in our schools.

100K Strong Student Ambassadors attend Mayor's lunch in Muscatine

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
On February 19th I attended the Mayor of Muscatine, Iowa’s Report to the Community on China Initiatives along with four other University of Iowa 100,000 Strong Foundation Student Ambassadors. We came away from the event excited and ready to carry out the 100,000 Strong Foundation’s mission on our own campus. The people of Muscatine are a great example of how a seemingly small group can have a big impact on diplomatic relations. Although there were many different ideas being discussed, one message came across crystal clear; in order for any of the initiatives to be successful, Americans must make an effort to understand China.