Through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization, the Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. The forum brings together experts from the faculty and leading voices from a variety of areas to raise awareness about and contribute to debate on the foremost issues in globalization that face us today. In addition to serving the University of Iowa community broadly, the forum endeavors to build connections between the University and the state of Iowa, and positions the UI as a national node in discussions of global affairs.

About the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization

Max and Betty Stanley

C. Maxwell (Max) and Elizabeth (Betty) M. Stanley were exemplary visionary leaders in philanthropic and educational endeavors. They strove to promote public understanding, constructive dialogue, and cooperative action on critical international issues and worked to recognize the essential roles of both the policy community and the broader public in building sustainable peace.

Alumni of The University of Iowa and longtime active volunteers and generous supporters of the institution, the Stanley's created The Stanley-University of Iowa Foundation Support Organization in 1979. which provides funding for projects across The University of Iowa. 

Interested in applying?

All University of Iowa tenured, tenure-track, clinical, and research faculty are invited to submit proposals.

Past Winners

2024: LGBTQ Youth in Global Perspective - Resistance, Resilience, Reimagination


  • Will Coghill-Behrends, clinical associate professor of Multilingual Education, UI College of Education, and co-director of the Linda R. Baker Teacher Leader Center
  • Josh Coleman, assistant professor of English education, UI College of Education
  • Allison Rowe, assistant professor of art education, UI College of Education 

2022: Festival of Contemporary Music from Israel


David Gompper, professor and director of the Center for New Music

2021: Teaching Anne Frank


Kirsten E. Kumpf Baele, lecturer and outreach coordinator of German
Waltraud Maierhofer, professor of German, global health studies

2019: Why School? International Perspectives on Education and Social Transformation


Gavin Fulmer, associate professor of science education
David Bills, professor, educational policy and leadership studies
Gregory Hamot, professor, education
Lia Plakans, chair of the Department of Teaching & Learning, and professor of foreign language and ESL education
Amanda Thein, professor and associate dean for academic affairs and graduate programs, language, literacy, and culture, UI College of Education

2018: Against Amnesia: Archives, Evidence, and Social Justice


Paula Amad,  associate professor of film studies and chair of the Department of Cinematic Arts
Amy Chen, special collections, library
Matthew Hannah, Obermann postdoctoral fellow
Teresa Mangum, professor, gender, women's, and sexuality studies and English
Jennifer Sessions, adjunct associate professor, history
Miriam Thaggert, associate professor of English

2017: Women's Health and the Environment: Going up in Smoke


Jerry Anthony, associate professor, urban & regional planning
Matthew Hill, associate professor, anthropology
Meena Khandelwal, associate professor, anthropology and gender studies
Marc Linderman, associate professor, geography
HS Uday Kumar, professor, mechanical engineering

2016: The Nation, the State, and the Global Redefinition of Self-determination


Nathan Miller, assistant director, Center and the Senior Fellow in Human Rights and Social Justice at the UI College of Law
Adrien Wing, associate dean, International and Comparative Law Programs, UI College of Law


2015: The Arab Spring in a Global Context


Ari Ariel, associate professor, history and international studies
Paul Dilley, associate professor, ancient Mediterranean religions
Edward Minor
Yoko Nakamura
Ahmed E. Souaiaia, professor, religious studies, international studies, law

2014: Child Protection: A Global Responsibility


Resmiye Oral, M.D., director of the Child Protection Program at University of Iowa Children's Hospital 

2013: Refugees in the Heartland


Amy Weismann, lecturer in law and assistant director, UI Center for Human Rights